
Stock Code : 001201

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Group News Company Announcement

Proposal of


All employees of Dawnrays Group:

"The phenomenon of food waste is shocking and distressing!" General Secretary Xi Jinping recently issued important instructions to stop food waste. Food waste is not a trivial matter. It is related to my country's food security, social morality, and good work style. The small dining table inherits the excellent culture of the Chinese nation and the traditional virtues of respecting labor and cherishing food. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important instructions given by General Secretary Jinping to stop catering waste, and establish a new trend of shameful waste and glorious economy, we now propose the following suggestions to all employees:

1. Advocate frugal office work. Establish the consciousness of "saving is glorious and waste is shameful" and start with saving a drop of water, a kilowatt-hour of electricity, a piece of paper and other small things. Love water, cherish water, save water, and put an end to "long-flowing water"; when people go to light, put an end to "eternal lights"; give full play to the functions of e-government and advocate paperless office; cherish office equipment, report for repairs and maintenance in time, and maximize service life .

2. Advocate civilized dining. No leftovers, no leftovers, reduce waste, take pride in "CDs" and reject "leftovers" feasts; when going out or eating at home, establish a new style of civilization, cherish every grain of food, and abandon the bad habits of good face and pomp. According to the number of people, order meals, consume reasonably, take the initiative to pack, and develop scientific and reasonable eating habits. Avoid loud noises, smoking and drinking in public dining places, and create a civilized dining environment.

3. Strive to be an example of thrift. Start from oneself, from one's own family, take active actions, lead by example, set an example, drive more people around, influence more people, and create a strong atmosphere of "opposing waste and strict economy" in the whole society.

While all employees consciously practice diligence and thrift, they must dare to point out and stop the extravagant and wasteful people and things. There is an old saying: success comes from thrift, and failure comes from luxury. The company continues to improve the welfare of employees and increase humanistic care. We should repay the company with a grateful attitude and increase the company's efficiency by increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. An initiative, a commitment, a responsibility, and a true feeling. As a member of the Dongrui family, please work together. Start with me, start now, start with the small things around you, and work together to create a conservation-oriented enterprise. Work hard!



Dongrui Group Party Branch

Dongrui Group Labor Union

Dawnrays Group Administration Department

August 28, 2020